Brent Detwiler


The story of how Brent Detwiler infiltrated our family

The Timeline

Brent Detwiler's Time with Our Family

Posted 12/04/2024

October 10, 2023

Brent arrived in NW FL to our family home where he was to begin renting the 5th Wheel for $600 per month.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 13, 2023

My mother added Brent to our ATT family cell plan, and financed him an iPhone. Brent did not pay for the phone or the plan cost and previously had his own cell phone and phone plan.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 15, 2023

My husband and I purchased Brent a new laptop. His appeared to be ancient. We gave it to him around the 20th of October.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 25, 2023

I assisted Brent with his new laptop. He needed tech support for email and printer troubles he was having.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 30 - November 30, 2023

My husband and I (mostly me) were traveling and seeing family during this time, so there was no particularly regular interactions with Brent or parents.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 3, 2023

Brent led a "Bible Study" in my parents basement (for an audience of 4). We sat on the same couch he would later have sexual interactions with our mother when their physical affair began.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 5-30, 2023

My husband and I would see Brent fairly regularly, whether we met him at Chick Fil A or he was present when we visited my parents, it's safe to say we likely saw him 2x weekly.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 24, 2023

My family celebrated Christmas with grandparents coming into town. We included Brent in the meals, games, and conversation, as if he was family.

My siblings were not in FL for Christmas. My brother has a serious nut allergy, and my mother sent him a gift collection of nuts for Christmas. That tells you where her faculties were at the time, one way or another.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 31, 2023

Brent emailed us about my mother's medications and sent them along with his thoughts, suggestions, and input regarding her doctors and what their responsibilities to her should be. He was now very aware of our mother's drug-influenced state. He was also equally aware of our love for her.

Posted 12/04/2024

January, 2024

My husband and I would continue to see Brent at dinners, outings, and events. Wherever my parents were, there he typically was also.

For example, for my birthday we had gone out to celebrate and Brent was included in that. My parents paid for his meal as was a regular practice. I never saw him attempt to pay, but rather just let them cover the check.

Full disclosure, there may have been a conversation beforehand, that he was going to have his meal covered if he accepted the invitation. I don't know. The point I'm making is that meals being paid for was a regular occurrance.

Posted 12/04/2024

January 23, 2024

My siblings and I had made some strategic moves in November regarding my mother and her drug addiction. We were incredibly concerned and felt her life was in danger. I had reached out to share concerns with her doctors to describe for them what had been witnessed while she was on her medications and emergency events that had taken place. They took our concerns and nothing seemed to have changed, until they suddenly dropped her as a patient in January.

This likely saved her life and gave us some time to work on the intervention.

She. Was. Furious. But at this time, Brent was entrenched in "helping" us to help our mother and provided very regular feedback, advice, and counsel.

We don't know for certain if he was agreeing with and promoting our efforts, but then agreeing with our mother at the same time.

Posted 12/04/2024

February 7, 2024

We met with Brent at Chick Fil A and he told my husband and I that he was like a surrogate husband to my mother. I wrote about this in our story.

This would be mentioned again at other meetings, but was mentioned multiple times in this particular sitting.

He never went to my stepfather with this serious concerns.

Updated 12/10/2024

February 17, 2024

We staged an intervention for my mother and my husband drove her to Central FL so she could meet up with a medical transport team that would take her the rest of the way down to S FL.

My husband was tasked with quite a large burden, really. Not only did he participate fully in the intervention, but would also be the one to drive my mother -using his day off to go down and come right back. And before that could happen, he was to go to my parent's home, break the news of the intervention and rehab to her husband, and gather some belongings while we kept my mother occupied at our home.

If it hadn't been for him, I don't think this would have worked out as it did.

*updated the date, it was mistyped.

Updated 12/10/2024

February 18, 2024

My siblings and I received an email from Brent telling us that he would like to go out of town on a trip with us sometime. A little bit... weird, but we were of course polite and I had replied, "Yeah, totally!"

UPDATE: There was a misread of the email correspondence. What Brent stated was, "I’d enjoy going out on the town," and it has been evaluated to have read, "I’d enjoy going out of town." This was an error. On a previous occasion at Chick Fil A, Brent did state that he would like to take a trip with us. When this email was later received, it was thought to be in relation to that comment.

Rather than deleting this entry, I'm going to leave this note.

Updated 12/10/2024

February 22, 2024

My husband and I wished Brent Happy Birthday via email and hoped to celebrate in the coming days/week.

My mother was now in the detox facility where she would remain for some time before being transferred to the rehab center. She was in great hands.

During this time I was put in charge of taking care of the bills for their household.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 6, 2024

We invited Brent and my stepfather to our home for dinner.

Almost immediately Brent began to confront her husband at our dining room table before I had set the food out. Brent pounded his fist on the wooden top, demanding that my stepfather take more controlling action in the household and over my mother.

It was incredibly awkward and we didn't see this coming. The husband did a remarkable job of remaining composed and I was about to crawl out of my skin in anxious discomfort.

This was our first experience seeing Brent behave in this manner, and it did throw us off a bit. Was this a one-off or was this how he really was?

Posted 12/04/2024

March 7, 2024

My husband and I discussed what had transpired the evening prior. We were a little worrisome about Brent's aggressive behavior and, for the heck of it, and because we hadn't previously, we decided to Google Brent Detwiler.

We found various articles written by him and about him. Those about him, we entertained. Over the next several months, we would periodically ponder what we had discovered, and gave it to God to provide discernment.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 13, 2024

My husband went to the family house to fire his weapon on the make-shift gun range. While there, he went inside to say hello to Brent, who was home alone. Brent asked my husband how our mother was doing in rehab, to which my husband did not offer any new information. He really didn't have anything notable to share and explained as such.

At this point, my mother had transitioned to the rehab facility, and we would periodically -but not regularly- receive updates from her therapist.

My husband did not want to make this visit about discussing his mother-in-law, as this had been our constant focus since January. He was there for r&r.

NOTE: Those of you who know Brent know that he becomes incredibly focused and must obtain information in a situation he finds interesting. He also enjoys providing his opinion and direction at every opportunity, which is completely fine, if you are not expected to answer to him and do as he says.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 15, 2024

My stepfather went to S FL to visit my mother while she remained in the residential program, staying in the area for the weekend.

NOTE: from March 15 to June 4, there is significant portions of the timeline related to what begins to be described below. I will post the redacted emails soon, but if you do not wish to read this hefty portion of the timeline, you can skip ahead. This portion will be color-coded in red for easy reference.

Also, I am attaching the email correspondence at the end for direct view.

Simultaneous to her husband's departure, Brent emailed my husband, instructing him that he needed to have phone calls, meetings with, and must observe my stepfather's behavior on a regular basis. Brent said that it had been largely his "responsibility" to do these things, which wasn't right.

HINDSIGHT: Brent demanded and admonished what should and shouldn't be done with my mom and the marriage. He wanted her husband to feel inadequate and to do what Brent instructed him to do, and now, he wanted my husband to take on the role of an aggressive, encroaching bully of sorts.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 16, 2024

My husband and I work full time. A response to Brent's email was not a priority that prior evening and my husband was working this day as well.

Less than 24 hours since the first email, Brent sent another, telling my husband to forward his email to myself and my brother. Detwiler further condemned the presumption that my husband was "not being involved" in the perceived duty of spending his time with my stepfather to observe and correct him. Brent explained that my husband should be regularly meeting with my stepfather.

At 10:30pm in the evening, my husband responded to his email, letting Brent know that he was not in any way being silent in helping my family, but cannot always be available for therapy updates regarding my mother or to communicate with her husband regularly because of his work schedule. He told Brent that he would love to meet up with him to talk in person.

By 11:15pm, Detwiler responded, cc'ing myself and my brother in the reply. He attempted to lay out, step by step, how he perceived their conversation had gone on March 13 at the family home.

He accused my husband of being disinterested and uninvolved with my mother's treatment (referring to those periodic updates from the therapist) and my husband's lack of doing what Brent told him that he must do: address my stepfather in a firm and clear manner the way that Brent had instructed him to do.

My husband didn't respond immediately so we could think carefully on it.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 17, 2024

Before noon, my husband crafted a very generously respectful email to Brent, though we were quite taken aback by the appearance of aggression.

The email went to Brent, myself, and my brother (those cc'd last).

My husband stated that he appreciated Brent's wisdom and guidance in this matter and that he had enjoyed their conversation, generally and sincerely.

He went on to address the brief conversation they had on March 13, and explained that when he said he didn't have any new information for the week regarding my mother, he was offering a summary answer, and assured Brent that he speaks about the situation with me every day.

My husband stated that he would continue to make the effort to stay involved (not that he had to explain, but again, we were trying to be extremely kind and respectful in the exchange).

Further, he explained to Brent that he has had conversations with my stepfather in private settings and would continue to do so when he was able.

He thanked Brent for his efforts in involving himself in the situation, but told him that we did not expect him to be involved with my stepfather the way he had taken it upon himself to be.

My husband thanked him again and stated that he knew the situation was in God's hands and wherever the Spirit led, my husband would act.

90 minutes later, Brent responds in a way that can only be described as intensely ridiculous.

He refused to accept my husband's expanded explanation with regards to whether or not he had any new information to share that day, and further decided that my husband had not been involved and did not want to be involved.

He continued on to say that my husband had deliberately lied to avoid providing any information to him.

I was thinking, “doesn't he clearly know our hearts and our nature at this point? Why is he attacking my husband's character after all he had done for our mother, expecting nothing but her health in return?”

Nonetheless, my husband and I talked about how he would respond; it would remain respectful and kind.

With that in mind, my husband responded, thanking Brent for his perspective of the situation but stated that he did not agree with the characterization that was being suggested. There was no intentional deceit; my husband explained he was simply leaving it all in God's hands.

Brent responded 4 minutes later. "My re-telling of the facts is true. The question is why you misled me."

…This was becoming exhaustive and the irony is that it felt like this wouldn’t end unless my husband were to lie in order to concede.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 18, 2024

Even in the midst of this email correspondence going on, and being cc'd in on everything, I had a separate issue to bring up with Detwiler: the money.

I confronted Brent in a group email with in my brother and husband, asking if my mother was continuing to give him money.

I knew the answer but wanted to allow him to respond and potentially explain why he had accepted it, or if he had any internal conflict about it.

Posted 12/04/2024

March 19, 2024

We gave it a couple of days before crafting another response to Detwiler. We needed a break. We didn't understand why he was fixating on my husband so intently, and could not understand how obsessive this had seemed to become. It was very difficult to marry the 2 distinctly different versions of Brent that we were now experiencing.

At 11:26am My husband once again pointed out that while there may be differences of perspective as to what transpired during that chat on March 13, he was sincerely grateful for Brent and looked forward to future constructive conversations as we navigate through the subject matter.

By 2:42pm, another response had come in. Brent told my husband that he is dishonest, and that Detwiler is correct in his perception of the conversation on March 13, that my husband clearly misled him.

He goes on to close with the statement that, though they may be able to remain cordial, that Brent's trust in my husband is "shaken."

No matter how generous my husband had been in response, this did not feel like it would end, and we still could not understand why.

NOTE: This correspondence felt incredibly wasteful of our time, and we also discussed that it seemed like a distraction from the more important issues at hand. My mother was having a difficult time in the residential program, and we needed to focus on how to help her and distance ourselves from this present correspondence with Brent. To this day, we do not know why Brent was so fixated. Maybe it was the need to feel dominant? Maybe he was strategically trying to begin causing a rift?

At 4:15, my husband responds to Brent. He explains that he doesn't intend to call Brent a liar, but gently suggested that he must be mistaken. This is why differing perspectives is the correct conclusion to make.

NOTE: We felt it was ok that Brent perceived the conversation differently that day and it was time to move forward.

My husband corrected him again on what was said, and referred to the difference in recall as semantics. He further clarified that there simply wasn't any update to share at that time, and that the focus should remain on my mother and stepfather.

He went on to remind Brent of all the ways that he had been extremely involved, and vitally significant in my mother's intervention and treatment coordination, and how he was instrumental in reaching out to my stepfather when my mother accepted the treatment opportunity.

NOTE: Brent was going to participate in the intervention but backed out so as to not jeopardize his living situation if either of my parents became angry with him. I wondered, why did my husband, who remained involved, become a target? It was all so odd.

My husband further stated that he is not above anyone, and will certainly accept feedback from myself or my siblings regarding his involvement.

Integrity is very important to both of us, and it had never been attacked like this before. Still, my husband was polite and respectful.

Though he realized that they would not be able to come to an agreement on their separate views of March 13, my husband offered a sincere apology to Brent if he felt that he was maliciously misled.

He also reminded Brent that none of us are required to be involved in my mother's care or to speak with her husband, but we are happy to be present and to help.

My husband ended by saying that he was ready to move on and refocus the efforts and attention back to those very two people, listening first and foremost to God and the Holy Spirit before doing anything further. He said that he hoped Brent was ready to forgive and accept his apology.

Amazingly, we did not get another email from Brent. Praise be!

Simultaneously, Brent responded privately to my email regarding the money my mother had sent him, confirming what I already knew.

What he did not do was elaborate or discuss his views on accepting money from my mother. I had explained to Brent that they needed all of the income that was brought into the home right now, for a number of financial reasons.

There was no discussion of how Brent may choose to handle a similar situation in the future; if he would decline to accept money from our mother.

Posted 12/04/2024

April 1, 2024 [est]

Our mother exited the residential treatment program and began making her way back home to NW FL, arriving a day or 2 after departure. She shared with us that she felt a lot better, and couldn't thank us enough for what we had done for her.

Updated 12/10/2024

April 19, 2024

At 4:14pm, my husband received a new email from Brent Detwiler, to which the title was, An Appeal to Repent & Draw Near to God.

Brent begins by saying that he would have written sooner, but a major story broke on March 20 that he had been covering and had just now been able to respond to my husband's reply back on March 19.

It was explained that Brent would be going line by line and interjecting his responses to that last email my husband sent on March 19.

He started off by stating that he was not mistaken about his recall of March 13, and in fact, he "memorialized it" and that his recall was infallible.

The dissection is a lot to go through, but Brent basically went line by line and commented back, touching on my husbands lack of involvement costing him a week's worth of valuable information. He want on the claim that my husband "said" that he "had not had any communication with [my name] from March 6-13."

Brent called him a liar once again, pointing out that he would have had a weeks worth of updates to share from his “daily conversations with [my name]."

SARCASM EMINENT: Then, like a self righteous Sherlock Holmes, he makes known that he's solved the case: "The truth is finally coming to light. You lied to me because you were not “in the mood to discuss matters pertaining to [mother and stepfather].” You were there to “relieve some stress.” You just wanted to say hi." (apparently this was a serious sin against Brent, even after receiving an apology for perceived offenses caused by my husband's empty update reservoir that day, March 13.)

NOTE: this sarcasm is all hindsight. At the time, we were still maintaining respectful response and heart posture even though this was hurtful.

Brent called him a liar once again in another instance. Feel free to read the attached correspondence (see below on June 4 for full email).

My husband did not respond and I fully supported that decision. We had reached an impasse and there was no amount of kindness, humility, respect, or apology that could change what Brent had firmly decided. So rather than saying anything "firm or direct," we raised the white flag and went on with our lives.

In doing so, we did not hold anything against Brent, we just thought perhaps something wasn't right with the man at this point.

Brent did not reach out to myself, or my siblings any more after that for any reason. This was when he began more closely focusing on our mother.

In retrospect, it seemed that he wanted to distance us from the family home by creating an uncomfortableness between himself and those in the emails, while shaming and emasculating my husband for an audience to witness.

Looking back, this is what he had been doing to my stepfather, verbally, before my mother's return from the residential center.

Posted 12/04/2024

April-October, 2024

I reached out to my mother via text messaging. We (the siblings) had some boundaries in place as part of our aftercare therapy. so texting was how we chose to communicate for some time.

We (siblings) talked about our mother regularly, and hoped she was doing well, sincerely. There was cautious optimism, but we really wanted her to be a happier, healthier, changed person, for the benefit of her and her husband.

Full disclosure, we were upset with my stepfather during a portion of this time for some reasons related to her treatment center departure, but this would later be fully resolved as realizations and apologies came forward.

There were a few tiffs with my mother via text, but this was very typical. She would become insecure about herself and we would be the target. While it wasn't pleasant, we knew how to handle the situation and remained capable of having organic text conversations with our mom throughout the summer and into the fall season.

My sister invited her to come for Thanksgiving, where she could spend time with her grandchild she had not seen in 6 years because of her lack of therapy and sobriety.

Meanwhile and unrelated, Brent would continue to receive reimbursements from our mother for the checks he was writing for rent each month.

Posted 12/04/2024

June 4, 2024

With over 2 months behind us since Brent's email to my husband, we thought that the situation had finally rested. Our hearts were in a great place, we didn't have any hard feelings. As I mentioned, we were just living our lives.

And then... we received another email from Brent, stating that he was still waiting on a response to his last email. Oddly, he included something below the email that is meant to look like a text record. However my husband had not received any text message from him up to that point.

(Included in above email view link)

NOTE: My husband was willing to stand by his decision to move forward, forgive, and remove all focus from the conversation that took place March 13. We had no issue with Brent, other than this shift in his behaviors. That being said, my husband and I both decided we would not re-engage with Brent in this email, as it felt like we were being taunted to a very long game of Life. No one enjoys a long game of Life.

Posted 12/04/2024

August 24, 2024

My mother reached out to ask if I could watch her dogs while she and my stepfather went on a cruise. I explained I couldn't because we would also be taking time off, and suggested Brent watch them, since he had been living there for "free" (knowing she had a history of reimbursing his rent checks).

She responded to me: "No, he pays us rent. Has ever since January 1 we told him when he first got here not to pay for November December because it was quite an expense getting from Arizona but now he pays us to live here."

I knew this was not true, and the story had changed. The version my stepfather was aware of involved giving Brent Detwiler reprieve from financial obligations for the first 30 days of his arrival October 10, 2023. Now the story went that he received both November and December, rent-free.

Let me be clear, there is a difference between rent-free and being reimbursed.

Brent Detwiler was being reimbursed. He would make a check payable each month, and my mother would facilitate a transaction by another means to send him $600.

Posted 12/04/2024

September, 2024

The affair had began according to my mother and Brent's account (though we believe it started in August).

Posted 12/04/2024

August 30 - September 8, 2024

My parents went on a cruise together and Brent took the same time to "vacation" by taking drives in the area and seeing some local sites.

We discovered later that my mother had sent Brent $100 during that time, on top of sending his $600 rent reimbursement, while also purchasing a $200 watch for him at one of the gift shops during the cruise with her husband.

Brent accepted all of it.

My mother had the neighbors come to the house daily to provide pet care while they were away. Brent had no responsibilities or obligations.

Posted 12/04/2024

Early October, 2024

My stepfather found Brent and my mother engaging in sexual activity on the couch in the living room downstairs. From then onward, he would seek counsel - legal and biblical.

He would legally document the adultery up until they were confronted.

His own wife doing these things with a ministerial tenant, and neither one would confess until they were addressed with the evidence.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 12, 2024

My stepfather's parents were in town, seeking refuge from the hurricane that had ravaged their retirement community. During that time, my husband and I went to the family home to spend some time with everyone.

This evening, my stepfather and my husband sat out on the screened in balcony, and time would never be the same after that; this was when he was first told that the affair was happening.

That same evening, I would independently deduce that something strange was going on with Brent and my mother, later to be confirmed.

NOTE: It's interesting to think that I picked up on something before I had been made aware. That is how careless the two of them were being.

Posted 12/04/2024

October 13-15, 2024

We continued to go over to the home in some capacity for the next few days to visit. It was so weird to be there once I knew what was going on. I remember Brent inquiring at the dinner table about my brother and his boat, asking me to give him well wishes. It seemed so wrong.

I witnessed my mother go down to the basement one afternoon and make up an excuse for why she was closing the door that led to the stairs. That just wasn't a normal thing to do.

She was down there for at least 20 minutes while my grandmother and I speculated in the sitting room. There was some light conversation about how my mother and Brent were behaving inappropriately.

Her husband would be planning the date with the Pastor to officially confront them, so we could not intervene or overstep.

Updated 12/14/2024

October - November 7, 2024

My stepfather regularly gave my mother an opportunity to confess what was going on. He would ask her if there was anything more than friendships between herself and Brent. She emphatically denied it every time, becoming irate at being asked.

He would advise her to not spend alone time with Brent, and to avoid the appearance of evil. She would shut him down at every turn, furious with him for thinking she was "that kind of person."

Meanwhile, Brent didn't confess anything either; the financial incentives, the emotional affair followed by the sexual affair, none of it was brought up.

Posted 12/06/2024

October 24, 2024

My husband and I took my mother to a political rally. Going, during, and coming back home, she was regularly corresponding with Brent. We both could see it on numerous occasions.

Preface: We now knew of the affair taking place, which effected how we would try to speak with my mother in the following account(s).

On the drive home this day, she started to rave about Brent. My husband lightly interjected, that maybe Brent was not entirely so perfect. She became defensive, and it wasn't long before she told us we were slandering him and she did not want to speak about it anymore.

Posted 12/06/2024

October 28, 2024

My mother had been asking for any type of "evidence" that we uncovered that gave us any reason to question Detwiler's character or intentions. I continued to put it off for a few days, but under the ruse that my stepfather also wanted to see this information, I sent some of what our Google searches had uncovered back in the earlier portion of the year.

NOTE: Just a reminder, we had not brought any of this up until it came into conversation, rather intentionally. We had knowledge of the affair and our goal was to help my mother to gain some clarity and pull her out.

Posted 12/06/2024

October 29, 2024

My husband and I received an email from our mother, regarding the references we had shared with her. She prefaced that everything we had shown her was full of lies, that the author was a troll, a coward and much more, all according to Brent.

We were told, like all are, to "go read all his documents." My mother attacked us for our "opinions" of Brent, and told us it was slanderous to have them, interjecting examples of legal cases which had no correlation or relevance.

Reading this, we felt it had been greatly influenced if not written in part by Brent Detwiler. We were hit with many bible verses, as also always occurs, followed by accounts of SA victims being forever changed because of Brent.

She told us that we could only discuss Brent if he was present, going forward.

NOTE: Such a level of narrative control being demonstrated here.

I replied and we went back and forth a couple of times, but ultimately I knew there was no getting through to her, and that our opinions of Brent would not be changing any time soon, with the affair ongoing and the confrontation shortly to come.

This was a pointless correspondence to continue and my final reply was on November 5.

Posted 12/06/2024

November 4, 2024

We received an email from Brent entitled, "Response to Slander." It basically says that he is not surprised that we took the opportunity to slander him to our mother while on our trip.

NOTE: Very odd choice of words. We had just been around him when the grandparents were in town with no issues at all to speak of other than knowledge of the affair that we had to contain.

He sent this email to my husband and I, my brother, stepfather and my mother. He goes on, "if either of you have questions about my character and work, my marriage and family, my decency and integrity, I invite you to write me with questions that I will answer in the company of [stepfather] and [mother]. I will also ask you to repeat the accusations made against me to [mother]."

It continues on in this tone where he shares articles and documents that show him in good light and how evil everyone else is. To be completely transparent, every account that he referenced and linked was his own. And the volume of this email was overwhelming.

We did not respond.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 7, 2024

Today was the day that my mother and Brent were confronted. My mother was first. Immediately she denied it, emphatically.

That was until my stepfather shared that he had evidence to prove otherwise and she relented, but didn't apologize or show any remorse.

When Brent was confronted, he sat without saying a word. At the very end of the meeting, he was prompted by the pastor, and said to the husband, "I have sinned against you, would you please forgive me." And my stepfather did.

I was present for this and Brent never acknowledged me or gave an apology.

Brent was told he needed to find a place to go, soon. He was not going to be kicked out that night, but he needed to depart.

Rules were established. The most significant was that my mother would not go down into the basement to visit with Brent.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 8, 2024

No word from Brent.

Also, the relational rules that allowed Brent to remain in the home for a very brief time were not being followed.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 9, 2024

I had lunch with my mother who advised me that she and Brent may opt for an unofficial "union" so that he didn't lose his benefits/assistance (govt, etc.). He couldn't legally marry to keep those, but this "union" would be good enough. She said she was still thinking on it. I thought we could get through to her.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 10, 2024

I emailed Brent asking him to turn away from our mother and family.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 10-11, 2024

No response from Brent.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 12, 2024

I posted on Brent's X account and he blocked me.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 13, 2024

No response from Brent. I posted on my profile a short blurb about how he had hurt our family.

My mother cancelled a movie date we had planned because she did not like that I posted to Brent's account.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 13-26, 2024

No word from Brent.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 7-18, 2024

Brent would remain in the home for 11 days following the confrontation

My mother would make them rum and cokes and venture to the basement to watch TV with him, sitting on the same couch where explicit things had happened between them.

When confronted by her husband, my mother said she would not stop speaking to or seeing Brent, that the notion was ridiculous.

Eventually she would find him/them an apartment. She both refers to it as "his apartment" and as "my apartment" and spends a lot of time there.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 18, 2024

Brent was finally out of the house and in the apartment that my mother would furnish with items from the family home. His move out of the family home was done, but their relationship was not.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 20, 2024

13 days after the confrontation, I published our family's story. Detwiler had

never reached out, nor made a statement, nor gone to the church he spoke and was active in to confess or apologize. He was trying to bury the scandal and take our mother with him.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 21, 2024

The Thanksgiving invitation was brought up to my mother. She would decline the amazing opportunity that she was being given to be introduced into her grandchild's life for the first time since he was a baby.

Why did she not go? Because our feelings about Brent were unacceptable to her, and she didn't want to chance that opinions about Brent may come up.

To Brent, every thought or opinion of him is slander if not good and perfect.

She chose to pass on her own grandchild and to avoid her children for Brent's sake. She will likely never have that opportunity again.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 25, 2024

Posted 12/04/2024

November 26, 2024

Brent commented on that, "There was no adultery..."

Posted 12/04/2024

November 27, 2024

I posted the Florida State Law's definition on Adultery and intercourse, which clearly defines a number of activities that would qualify both of them as having committed the crime.

Simultaneously, the community was wanting answers, and Brent was facing speculation of clergy abuse.

A follower found a statement Brent had made on his website saying that on October 2021, "I returned to preaching, teaching, and leadership training." This follower posted it to, showing that Brent was potentially liable.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 29, 2024

Brent posted an official statement on his website, providing some details about the affair, including that it was sexual, though still refuses to call it adultery.

My stepfather tried to convince my mother to give therapy and counseling a try, but she refused. She wants a divorce, and a quick one.

Also the same day, my sister received an email from my mother speaking of consequences that will be in store for one of the siblings because of the information that came out about Brent.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 30, 2024

@oldreepicheep posted an article deconstructing Brent's official statement and providing insight.

I also posted The Statement and responded to Brent's public account of the affair.

Additionally I posted a list of questions that Brent Detwiler should answer for the sake of transparency and damage control.

Posted 12/04/2024

November 30 - Onward, 2024

My mother has created alias FB accounts to try to go where she has been banned due to her behavior. She is trying to push a narrative that saves Brent from the "evil mob" that is out to destroy him and crucifies her children through the most sinister of lies. It's demonic, to be frank.

The truth is that Brent is responsible for his actions, and he had plenty of opportunity to do what needed to be done before, during, and after the affair began.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 3, 2024

I was threatened directly by my mother via text message. There would be more consequences if I don't "stop."

Ironically, the reason that we have gone public is because we love our mother and we wanted to provide her a way out of this destructive situation.

Posted 12/04/2024

December 6, 2024 - Onward

The timeline will be updated as pertinent details are recalled or emerge.


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Have you or your family been adversely affected by Brent Detwiler?

If so, please email us and share your story. We will continue to expose Brent Detwiler for the wolf that he is and bring the hypocrisies and harm into the light

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