Brent Detwiler


The story of how Brent Detwiler infiltrated our family

The Emails

Correspondence Regarding the Affair

Turn Away - November 10, 2024

To: Brent Detwiler

You MUST repent and turn away from my mother. You have abused your self titled position of biblical authority and knowledge. I know my mother. Very very well. I know her vulnerabilities. We shared some of those with you through your counsel and you have increasingly exploited those. While God, in His mercy, can forgive you, you must turn away, and flee, immediately. Immediately was 3 days ago. This is an overdue message and requirement. Depart now. Make right with God and do not look to my mother for anything. She does not belong to you and she never will. If you have a shred or conscience or a sliver of selflessness, you will tell her you want nothing more to do with her and that your interfering ends now. 

Your mere presence is sinful and promotes sin in my mother. You promote deception, you promote manipulation, you promote destruction, you promote blind loyalty. You are a puppet master, and my mother is on your strings, waiting on bated breath for your approval and direction. I have discerned this to be most true. God has revealed many things to me. All will be brought into the light, and that light will shine ever so brightly on what you are doing to promote and stir up her rebellion and her weaknesses. By all accounts, you have preyed on my mother; her pains and impressions.

At the very first hint of impropriety, emotional attachment, or otherwise, you should have taken it to [husband’s name], immediately.

When you told us in February (just 4 months since arriving) that my mother had been treating you like her surrogate husband for some time, and that it was weird, creepy and inappropriate, you should have gone to [husband’s name], immediately. You shared this observation multiple times yet you never were responsible, never went to [husband’s name] or made arrangements for yourself, as the eye who needed to be plucked out. 

When my mother leaned her attention towards you to vent about [husband ‘s name], life, and the marriage, you should have at every turn, pointed her to God, [husband’s name], counseling, therapy, a female confidant. Dare I say again, immediately this should have happened. 

Instead, you allowed your ego, pride, self righteousness, the convenience of your accommodations, and your personal condemnation of [husband’s name] to guide you. You took every opportunity to disparage [husband’s name] to my mom (no doubt) and to us. That is not to say that some observations were not accurate, but with that acknowledgement, if made, must come solution, and the overarching desire to either help fix the issues for the sake of their relationship, or to step out of the situation entirely. 

However, you neither pointed both of them towards ultimate and intense solution nor stepped away. 

You also pointed out the flaws of our mother. Once again, not necessarily inaccurate. You told us that she was worshiping her own gods. You told us that she was a liar, a flatterer, a slanderer, that she was pretentious, gift giving, and only cared about impressing to control her image. But as I said, you preyed on these flaws. You were the object of her flattery, gift giving, pretension, and impressing desires.

The truth is, you did not want to risk or voluntarily give up your ultra convenient living conditions to do any good for their relationship. You were reaping the benefits of a surrogate wife, and soon after, surrogate husbandry seemed like something you could excuse- no need to be accountable to [husband’s name] with that information. 

Speaking of excusing yourself, (regarding the intervention in February), you had told [my spouse] and myself that you would be more than happy to be involved with the intervention we were planning for mom, but as we neared the date, you advised you would be pulling back because, you didn’t want to jeopardize your living arrangement by being present, because if [husband’s name] or [wife’s name] became furious with you and kicked you out, you would have no place to go. I thought you trusted in God for your provisions? Above all, do good, and have faith, no? Though we didn’t call you out on this, and offered understanding to you. But we did realize the importance of convenience was held in high regard and you were loyal to your own needs and desires.

In the present sinful circumstance, and if roles were reversed, you would have never shown my mother or [husband’s name] the loyalty or grace, respectively, that has been shown to you, and in my opinion, misplaced. You have revealed yourself to not only be an enemy, but a defiler, causing my mother to stumble. You are a serpent, whispering in her ear, I have no doubt. It is you, the one who purports to be a leader, and a biblical authority on all matters Holy, whom I hold 90% responsible for all that has unfolded, and for whom I hold 100% to blame for the self serving perpetuation. 

This is my one and only instruction on this matter. In Jesus name, you will depart and stay away from my mother and our family. I rebuke your insolence and your manipulative nature, and I pray our Lord and all of His angels stand in your way, in all things that you attempt when it comes to my mother and our family. 

Equally, I pray God have mercy on you in departing from this, alone, never to be seen or heard from again by anyone in our family, specifically our mother. 


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Have you or your family been adversely affected by Brent Detwiler?

If so, please email us and share your story. We will continue to expose Brent Detwiler for the wolf that he is and bring the hypocrisies and harm into the light

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About the Author

Concerned Child is just that, a spouse, and a sibling to three amazing brothers and sisters who are incredibly concerned for their mother’s wellbeing. As much as they are frustrated with her actions and participation, they hold Brent Detwiler 90% responsible for the devastation that has been caused to their family in his wake. They will not rest

until their mother is released from his grip and wakes up to the truth of who he truly is

and how she has been deceived for his own personal gain.

Concerned Child

Fighter | Truth Teller

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